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Posts Tagged ‘Chuck E. Cheese’

Jul 31 2008


Posted by Mugs @ 2:57 am in Family Print This Post Print This Post

Bowling has become Zeke’s game of choice.  He is so good at Wii bowling that he beats his siblings.  When he had resorted to standing crayons on end for pins, I decided to buy him a children’s bowling set for his birthday.  He sets it up on the floor or on the bench and practices quite often.  Periodically, all other occupants of the house are forced into games of bowling.  When bowling, he puts his game face on.  He is already attempting to work on his hook as he releases the ball with his knuckles on top.  I see shades of Dale’s Daddy when he throws.  At Chuck E. Cheese this week, he spent most of his coins at skee ball.  Skee balls are a bit heavy, so I could see that his arm was tiring and I tried to encourage him to move to another game.  But he refused to stop.  When I wasn’t looking, he’d slip another coin in the slot and throw some more skee balls.  Dale may have hope yet to play in a league with his family.  Lucky for him, he has enough children that he won’t be handicapped by his wife.  Zeke has learned what Dale knows quite well:  I am a terrible bowler.  When Zeke tired on skee ball, I decided to try to help him out, and he realized quite quickly that maybe I wasn’t much help at all.