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Apr 20 2015

Mid Spring Bloom

Posted by Mugs @ 12:14 pm in Nature Print This Post Print This Post

All the shrubs and trees in the garden are blooming in a hurry as if they don’t want to miss their spring party. The bridal veil, after years of a paltry showing bloomed this year with abandon. I used it in bouquets I made for a tea at church. I wanted to combine it with purple tulips, but all my tulips were red. I was sitting at the table thinking, “If only my lilacs were blooming…” Then, I looked over at my lilacs to see blooms opening on the very top of my largest bush.”Thank you, Lord,” I thought.

The morning of the tea, I was in the garden perched on top of a step stool cutting lilacs. (I feel compelled to give the neighbors something to talk about.) The other day, I heard the neighbor boy yell at his friend who was about to traipse through my front corner garden, “No! That’s the neighbors! I know them…They’re kinda weird.”

Does throwing ice cubes at the squirrel in the bird feeder (I never actually hit him), Gabe’s compulsion to bark back at their incessantly yippee dog, and me wearing a ventilation mask when I cleared the leaves off the beds this spring constitute weirdness?

Dines told me years ago that I had truly lost it when I started giving my plants pep talks.

But, how else will the bridal veil know my gratitude for its bloom this year?

3 Responses to “Mid Spring Bloom”

  1. Kerrie LeGeros says:

    Weirdness is appreciated and in this year. Consider yourselves special, the Lord and the rest of us all ready do!

  2. Marie says:

    You crack me up! =)

  3. Mugs says:

    Thanks Kerrie – special it is, and glad to give you a laugh, sister.

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